
About Me

I am a junior studying Computer Science at UC Berkeley.

I'm a software developer, looking for software engineering internship positions for summer 2020. I am interested in backend development. I enjoy learning new skills and challenging my enthusiasm through personal projects. The best way to contact me is via
my email

You can also view my resume by clicking

My Resume


Language: Java (competent), Python (competent), C (competent), SQL (competent), Swift (intermediate),
JSON (basic), Go (basic), HTML (basic)
Framework and tools: Spring, MyBatis, AWS S3, GCE, JMockit, EasyMock, Swagger, Postman, Docker, Spark, Pandas

Professional Experiences

Yahoo!/ Verizon Media

Software Engineering Intern
Sunnyvale, CA
May. 2019 - Aug. 2019 · 3 mos

• Initiated a Census project, which enabled fraud detection, avoided data leaking, and improved user experience by identifying data anomalies in a globally-distributed mission-critical database with billions of accounts
• Utilized multi-threading implementation to take point-in-time data snapshots, encoded to Avro, encrypted and pushed to AWS S3, and analyzed with Athena SQL query; a patent was filed for the project design
• Ranked 21/ 54 on the ML Recommendation challenge utilizing XGBoost and Neural Network


Professional Experiences


Software Engineering Intern
Berkeley, CA
Dec. 2018 - Jan. 2019 · 1 mos

• Demonstrated team business logic with a model that fetched data in a MySQL database using MyBatis, transferred data via RPC and REST interfaces, and put data onto a Message Queue
• Followed the MVC design pattern to feed data to the front end team
• Basing the whole project on Spring/ SOFABoot framework
• Utilized GitLab to manage all versions of the project and communicate with co-workers


Professional Experiences


Mobile Developer
Berkeley, CA
Nov. 2018 - Dec. 2018 · 1 mos

• Built an iOS social platform which enabled 5.2k+ Berkeley students to see their friends’ transactions on MealSavvy
• Managed the whole project, including negotiating with startup MealSavvy and recruiting team members


Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program

Apperentice - Berkeley, CA

Neuroeconomics Laboratory

Sep. 2018 - present · 5 mos

• Eliminated confounding factors in experiments by improving the visualization script using Python • Visualized data collected from fMRI brain scans using Pandas and Seaborn on Jupyter Notebook


Leadership Experiences

Global Business Brigades

Core Member
Berkeley, CA
Sep. 2017 - May. 2018 · 9 mos

• Successfully raised $1100 by building personal website and tabling on Berkeley campus (Sproul Plaza)
• Promoted financial literacy and micro entrepreneurship during the one-week trip to Honduras


Leadership Experiences

Golden Bear Orientation

Group Leader
Berkeley, CA
August. 2018 · 2 weeks

• Trained on discussion facilitating, stress handling, and conflict resolving topics
• Guided a 57-frenshmen group to go to campus spirit events, city tours, and recreational activities
• Facilitated discussions on topics such as identity, mental health, and transition to college


Leadership Experiences

Berkeley International Office

International Peer Mentor
Berkeley, CA
July. 2018 – present · 3 mos

• Welcome incoming international students and provide guidance about navigating through life at Berkeley
• Schedule individual meetings with 8 international students and organize group bonding activities




Go – solo project – in progress

• Launched a scalable web service in Go to handle image posts and deployed it to Google Cloud (GAE flex)
• Improved the registration/login/logout flow using token with server-side user authentication with JWT
• Utilized ElasticSearch (GCE) to support geo-based search so users can search nearby (e.g. 200km) posts

Personalized Restaurant Recommendation

Java – solo project

• Utilized HTML, CSS, JavaScript to build an interactive web page for users to like events
and view content-based recommendation; used MySQL to store and manage users’ data;
used AWS EC2 to support the project
• Developed a web service using Java Servlet and REST API to access data from TicketMaster API


Swift – 4 collaborators

• Created an iOS App based on Firebase that helps users walk home safely
• Enabled users to sign in via Google (Fire base authentication), navigate the shortest path to home (MapKit),
match with buddies to walk together (self-designed matching algorithm),
one-button call/ text 911 (MessageKit & CallKit), and view the nearby crimes based on geo-location (SpotCrime)


Java - 4 collaborators

• Mimicked the popular version-control system Git to implement Gitlet
• Supports functions such as staging files, tracking files, branching file versions, checking file status, etc.



Computer Science | Data Science | Math
Business | iOS | Art

Computer Science 161 (In Progress)


Computer Science 186 (In Progress)


Computer Science 162

Operating System

Computer Science 170

Efficient Algorithms & Intractable Problems

Computer Science 188

Artificial Intelligence

Computer Science 61C

Computer Architecture (Machine Structures)

Computer Science 61B

Structures & Programming Methodology

Computer Science 61A

Data Structures & Programming Methodology

Statistics 140

Probability (In Progress)

Data Science 100

Principles & Techniques of Data Science

Data Science 8

Foundations of Data Science

Computer Science 70

Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory

Math 53

Multivariable Calculus

Math 54

Linear Algebra


Principles of Business

Economics 1

Principles of Economics

CS 198-001

iOS DeCal

History of Art 36

Modern Asian Art History

L&S 25

Art Curation